Lent 4 26 March 2017 Year A: Healing of the man born blind (John 9) In a few moments’ time we shall be on our feet declaring our belief that it was ‘for us and for our salvation’ that Jesus Christ ‘came down from heaven, was incarnate from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary […]
The truth
Lent 3 (19 March 2017) John 4.5-42 Jesus said to the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well ‘Woman believe me the hour is coming when you will neither, on this mountain nor in Jerusalem, worship the Father but the hour is coming – and now is – when the true worshippers will worship the Father in […]
‘Indeed, God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world but in order that the world might be saved through him’ The strap line of the Blood Donor Service is ‘save a life’. It is brilliant: what could be better than to endure just a few moments of discomfort in order to […]
Reading Retreat
Come to read, rest and reflect. Step aside from the relentless 24/7 media exposure and experience words in a different time-frame and at a different pace. An opportunity to explore the Community’s extensive and unique library. 12th – 14th MAY 2017 Led by Barbara Clarke (Associate of the Community & Librarian) Cost for this retreat: […]
New Website Launch
Over the past few months – really quite a few months – Br Jacob has been working tirelessly with Adele, the Community’s Business Manager, to bring a new website into being. The hope is that – eventually – the various and disparate current websites (Community, Centre, Companions, Commercial) will be brought together under a single […]
Durham Pilgrimage
From Saturday 18 – Sunday 19 February, 11 members of the College undertook a pilgrimage to Durham, focusing on the northern saints. We began with lunch in the beautiful Prior’s Hall, followed by an excellent talk from the Precentor and Vice-Dean, Canon David Kennedy, on the history and evolution of processional rites in the Cathedral, […]
Holy Week
During Holy Week many of the CR brothers will be out in parishes across the country. However, Holy Week in Mirfield still happens…and how! Every year the College staff, Fr Peter, Fr Ben, M Jennifer and M Rowena, preside at the liturgies and the students welcome guests for the week, many of whom are exploring the […]
Trier in February
In February I spent one week at St Matthias, Trier. February was not as cold as last December, when George, Simon, Marc and I were together there, but it was still a challenge walking through the open cloister to Church. The monks had their cowls. I had only a scarf to keep my ears warm. […]
Festival Day
This year’s CR Festival Day will be on Sunday 9 July. It will include the re-hallowing of the Community Church as the culmination of a weekend of celebration of the Community’s 125th anniversary. We will welcome the Bishop of Norwich – also our Visitor – to lead the service. Festival Day is preceded by a […]
Step Forward Young Vocations Day
On a gloriously sunny Saturday at the beginning of February I headed to Bishopthorpe in York, to join Peter CR at the Archbishop’s residence for the Step Forward Young Vocations day. Step Forward is an event for young people aged 18-30yrs, in the very earliest stages of discerning a vocation to priestly ministry. It was a day to gather with diocesan directors of […]