A School for the Lord’s Service
The Future at Mirfield

Since its foundation in 1892, the Community of the Resurrection has been involved in building up the Body of Christ through pastoral and educational works, both at home and abroad. This ever-changing ministry has incorporated retreats and spiritual direction, study and sabbaticals, quiet days and courses, as well as theological education at the College of the Resurrection and elsewhere.
The Community’s constant praying presence provides strength, support and renewal for the wider Church.
Today, we welcome thousands to Mirfield to share in the Community’s life of prayer and worship, with numbers increasing year by year. There is something about the climate of the place which not only attracts people, but offers encouragement, upbuilding and a sense of direction in their quest to follow Jesus.

Over time the demands made on our buildings have become ever greater. This is both a blessing and a challenge that we must meet if we are to continue our ministry of welcome and hospitality. At the same time we recognise that future development and activities must maintain the distinctive climate, whilst enabling the Community to live the religious life, and to share the fruits of that life with all who come.
Engagement with God is at the heart of our life, overflowing into sharing this climate with others and providing a ministry to many people seeking to follow the way of Christ.

St Benedict said all guests are to be welcomed as Christ, and that is a central part of the Community’s ministry, helping people to grow in their faith and be confident in it. The inadequacy of the current building means that it is not always possible to meet the needs of individuals, parishes, schools and other groups who seek to come here. Already, parts of the House originally within the monastic enclosure have been given over to guests, with an inevitable impact on the Community’s life.
Over many years we have given a great deal of thought to the challenge of how best to serve God here in Mirfield. The time has come to embark on a journey of change if the Community is to fulfil its purpose while being suited to the modern world.

We aim to remodel the House of the Resurrection to provide simple yet comfortable accommodation for our guests, including upgraded bedrooms, conference and meeting spaces, a consolidated library and study centre, comfortable sitting rooms and an improved refectory.

More efficient use of space will mean we no longer have to turn away individuals or groups, while zoning will ensure silence for those who seek it. The design of the refurbished House will allow flexible use of space, ensuring that we meet both the physical and the spiritual needs of all who come.
We aim to renew this place of hospitality, welcome and learning as a resource for Church and society in a turbulent and changing world. Sustained by the daily round of prayer and worship the Community is a constant praying presence, proclaiming the gospel anew to each generation.

Encounter and interaction with the Brethren is key. Our aim is to ensure that all who come can share in our life and leave refreshed and renewed through their experience.
We are deeply grateful to our friends and well-wishes for all that has already been achieved. We will continue to work with the Spirit of God to discern His will for us as we go into the future.
Your support will enable us to fulfil the vision for CR at Mirfield.
Thank you.
For more information, please contact the Campaign Office or call 01924 483302.