Sharing the Fruits of our Worship

As well as welcoming thousands of guests each year to Mirfield, brothers often go elsewhere, in this country and sometimes abroad, to preach and teach, to help lead missions or retreats. The Community has continually engaged in the public arena: an outstanding example of that was our part in the struggle against apartheid in South Africa. Today through the Mirfield Centre, alongside retreats, we run day events and courses concerned with adult Christian education and spiritual development, and the interface between Church and society. The programme reflects our concern for relations between Church and Society, including interfaith work in the locality. To learn more about our work through the Mirfield Centre, click here.
There is a significant international and ecumenical dimension to the Community’s work. Our long involvement in Southern Africa is now evolving into new forms; we also have strong links with the Romanian Orthodox Church which frequently sends priests, monks and students to Mirfield. We have many connections with religious communities in Europe and other parts of the world, especially through our covenant relationship with the Abbey of St Matthias in Trier and on the Huysberg, Germany.