Saturday 10 July

We plan to hold our Festival Day as usual this year though we cannot yet make firm arrangements as we do not yet know what restrictions we shall be working with. Please put the date in your diary and we will provide further details in due course.
The Solemn Mass will be at 12.00.
Fr Robert Igo OSB, the newly elected Abbot of Ampleforth, will be our guest preacher.
Abbot Robert is a former Anglican and knew the Community well in his Anglican days. For the past twenty years he has been in a monastery in Zimbabwe and several of us visited him there. Since he is a Manchester boy you can be sure of a good, down to earth sermon!
We hope that we shall be allowed a reasonable number at the mass so do plan to come if you can. We also hope to offer accommodation for those wishing to stay with us.
We would be delighted to welcome you to site once again and hope that you are able to attend. We will be streaming our services for those who are not able to join us in person.
We will keep you informed as we continue to make plans. For further information about staying with us please call the guest office on 01924 483346 or email guests.
Fr Nicolas CR