The “CR Review” is a high quality periodical, published quarterly.
If you are interested in finding out more about the review please see below to view and/or download the two most recent editions from 2022.
To help keep this quality publication viable you can subscribe and receive your own hard copies through the post, please email our Companions Office.
The editor would very much welcome articles to be considered for publication in the CR Quarterly Review. Please send articles, enquiries and comments to the editor, Fr George Guiver CR.
Articles for consideration should be sent at least 5 weeks before the issue date. All such contributions may be sent by e-mail but please include your full name and address with your submission.
The Quarterly Review of the Community of the Resurrection is published four times a year.
Annual subscriptions (inc. postage and packing):
UK (Inland) £20.00
OVERSEAS (AirMail) £25.00
Write to;
The Editors CRQ, House of the Resurrection,
Stocks Bank Road, Mirfield, West Yorkshire. WF14 0BN.
Alternatively email our Companions Office.