Our aspirant, Tom Clark, provides the latest news from the Community…..
CR recently hosted a group of 26 postgraduates (plus one baby) from Oxford University on a week-long reading retreat. They were all recipients of a scholarship from the Canterbury Institute (perhaps excluding the baby) and reported that they had had a delightful and productive week in a setting conducive to study and stillness. It was a pleasure to see them dotted around the lawns with books and sometimes ukuleles, and to have some of them join us in church.
Last week saw another student visit, this time from York University Chaplaincy – a group of 20 led by Rev Dr Catherine Reid, former CoR student and current member of the Society of the Resurrection.
The brethren have been making preliminary visits to their Holy Week Parishes, and Fr Thomas CR is currently in Rome for three months on a course for novice guardians. We wish him well and pray for him.