As many of you will know, Tariro is doing excellent work in Zimbabwe. Around 50 young people are being supported as they go through the education system and out into a challenging world. However, we have recently discovered that there is a serious gap between our income and expenditure. We need to fill that gap as soon as possible.
If you already contribute to Tariro then please don’t feel pressurised. We are most grateful for your support. If you do not yet support us, or would like to do a bit more here is what you can do:

- Ask your church to give us a donation at Christmas. Many churches do give money away at Christmas and this would help us greatly;
- Ask your church to support us during Lent. Lent is not just a time of fasting and prayer; it is a time to show generosity to others. I have recently written a Lent course lightly based on Tariro which may encourage people to support us. Would you like to use this course? It is called “How to be a Missionary Today” and is available from – £10.00 for a pack of ten.
- You could send us a one off donation. Our website has details of how to donate. Basically a cheque made out to Tariro but sent to me is fine. Please include a gift aid declaration from the website (or ask me to send you one) if you pay UK tax.
- If you would like to make a Standing Order a form is available on the website or I can send you one.
- I can also send you some information about Tariro and the work we do if you would like to see it for yourself, my email is
Please help us if you can. The young people we support in Zimbabwe are trying so hard to escape the poverty trap they are caught in and long for a better life. Please help us to make this possible. Many thanks. Nicolas Stebbing CR