Due to the Covid19 Pandemic it was with deep regret that the College had to close its doors, and our Students departed uncertain as to whether they could gather again before ordinations take place. Like other educational institutions, we have had to make greater use of remote teaching methods to ensure our current students can complete their studies. We have also made special arrangements for students who may wish to train at the College from September this year. Applicants are invited for a Skype Interview with the Principal and two members of the academic staff. They are further offered the contact details of students who are making themselves available for telephone or skype conversations and even a Zoom-Tour! We have seen good numbers of prospective students this year and hope these measures will keep the Mirfield option open to as many as possible. The College has also published an Audio-Visual introduction to life, study and formation in Mirfield, and hope it will be seen and enjoyed by any prospective students.
If you are interested in joining the College or require further information please contact gjohnson@mirfield.org.uk
Disability – accessible accommodation and facilities
We do not want any ordination candidates to be excluded from our training offer, and to ensure we are fully accessible for wheelchair users we need to make alterations to the existing building. There are plans in hand to create changes to accommodation, teaching rooms, doorways and corridors. We have started looking into funding for the project and would be delighted to receive your support and ideas.
New Curriculum & Common Awards
Durham University is replacing Sheffield as our principal university partner and from September 2020 new students will be offered courses leading to the qualifications of the Common Awards suite of degrees and diplomas. Until summer 2021, we shall also be “teaching out” the Sheffield BA and so honouring the academic commitments made to existing students of the college. A greater compatibility with the training pathways of other TEIs might afford those undertaking predominantly non-residential training the opportunity to experience a period of residence within our distinct community.