November 2024
Storm Bert left us with a pleasant dusting of snow, some ice and plenty, plenty of rain. Selfishly, I dream of a deep stable covering of snow, sometimes. Just for the youngsters, you understand.

The last apples have been gathered and used for Spicy Apple Jam and apple cider vinegar; the last apples have been picked, Api Rose, with the assistance of the youngest members of the College, who made their first ascent of a ladder to do so. We get the apples juiced and bottled by an excellent place in Wilberfoss ( I am told that this was the original name for the famous archdeacon of the East Riding, Robert Wilbeforce, though I suspect it was his father who adopted the name ‘Wilberforce’). Two hundred bottles trundled into our gates on Wednesday. Ryan Green has arrived as a new postulant and is making a good landing.
Eagerly we come to Advent, one of the favourite seasons; a real blessing to be held by the depth of the call for the coming of Christ, the final outpouring of justice and mercy. It does seem to have gathered the greatest of our antiphins and prayers, not least Dr Cranmer’s Advent Collect: Almighty God, give us grace that we may cast away the works of darkness, and put upon us the armour of light, now in the time of this mortal life, in which thy Son Jesus Christ came to visit us in great humility; that in the last day, when he shall come again in his glorious Majesty, to judge both the quick and the dead, we may rise to the life immortal; through him who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Ghost, now and ever. Amen.
Rather disgracefully, I think that it would be lovely to have a longer Advent, ending with Epiphany, but that would be rather like my dream of snow.
Fr Thomas CR