Last month the Community and a packed church of attendees were treated to a wonderful day of readings, reflections and discussion on the 14th Century anchoress and author of Revelations of Divine Love, Julian of Norwich, led by Dr Claire Gilbert, long-time friend of the Community and the author of the novel I, Julian. The day began with an introduction to Julian’s life and writings followed by sessions in conversation with brothers Charlie (on Julian and contemplative prayer) and Nicolas (on Julian and ecology). It was a rare treat to hear from someone with as deep and abiding an appreciation of Mother Julian as Claire. Having written a (soon-to-be-published) doctoral thesis on Julian in which she argues that we need to relate to Julian’s text not as detached scholars but as disciples, Claire recounted how she had been forced to put her own advice into practice after she was diagnosed with cancer and Julian’s text became a life-line for her (an experience she details in her book Miles to go before I sleep). It’s difficult to imagine anyone better-equipped to speak with Julian’s own voice, then, as she does in I, Julian. The Community is hugely grateful to Claire for being with us and for giving us a such a rich insight into this towering, but still mysterious, figure of English spirituality.
Charlie CR