“All guests who present themselves are to be received like Christ.” St Benedict. (RB 53:1)
We like guests! Guests enrich our lives. Guests tell us about a world outside our monastery and that keeps us in touch. Guests are generally very nice people. Many come often and become good friends of ours. Guests also enrich our worship simply by being there in the church with us. It’s good to feel we’re not alone. You remind us of the different worlds you come from. This stops us getting wrapped in ourselves.
People often ask us, “What do you do?” meaning, what sort of ministry do we have? Well, guests are an important part of our ministry. Hospitality has always been a Christian virtue. Think of Christ travelling round Palestine, staying with friends and strangers. Think of the first Christians travelling round the Mediterranean talking about their faith to people they stayed with. Hospitality is an important way of sharing the message about Christ. We don’t have to say anything. We just need to live our life, pray and let God do the rest.
Most people feel quite stressed in their lives today. Many are lonely and isolated after the years of Covid. Most people find a few days in a monastery refreshing both of body and soul. You don’t have to be a priest or a specially holy person to stay here. Come and spend a few days quiet and see what God shows you.

There is, of course, the little question of payment. We try to keep our charges as low as we can to cover all our costs. I am sure guests understand that. They can, however, be too high for people on low incomes, or no income at all. We would still like such people to come. In fact, they are often the people who most need to come. So, if you need it, please do ask for a reduction. We are very happy to offer a 50% reduction for students and anyone else on a tight income. Please do come.
We would also like small parish groups to come, and so we are now also offering a 50% reduction to small groups. Those of you who are priests may like to bring a few parishioners for a couple of nights stay. Once again, for small groups (up to 6) we are happy to offer a 50% reduction.
Please apply to the Guest Brother CR
Email the Guest Office or Telephone : 01924 483346
Guests have always been part of monastic life. St Benedict devotes a whole chapter of his Rule to telling the monks how to look after them well. Our food is good; our rooms are warm. We think you will like it. Do come!