The Retreat Association icon, depicting Jesus’s encounter with the woman at the well (John 4.) is currently making its way around a number of retreat houses and cathedrals and we are among those taking part in this ‘pilgrimage’. We shall be receiving the icon on the 6 May from The Bield, in Perthshire, and after resting here for a month it will be taken to Holy Rood House, in North Yorkshire.
As we do not re-open until 17 May, it has not been possible to plan an event around it here at Mirfield, so we shall be offering a Zoom Quiet Day on Friday 21 May, between 10am and 4pm, for anyone who would like to join us at the well. Alison MacTier, the Executive Director of the Retreat Association has kindly offered to lead this for us.
There will be no charge for the day but donations are always welcome.
If you are interested in this event please email: guests@mirfield.org.uk