Arrive Monday afternoon from 3pm, depart Friday morning, after breakfast / before lunch
The written word is no longer confined to the printed page. Now we can text and e-mail, tweet and blog and have become used to the availability of both instant and constant communication.
Whether you find this a blessing or a curse, or a strange combination of both, this week is an opportunity to step aside from 24/7 media exposure and experience words – read, spoken and sung – in a different time-frame and at a different pace … in your own reading and reflection; in joining in with the prayer of the Community and in those silent spaces where God speaks, that are the special gift of this place – including our spacious grounds with woodland walks, where the colours are glorious in autumn.
As well as being able to immerse yourself in the books of your choice, the week will include:
- A guided tour of our huge library, taking in some of our special collections;
- Conversations with Brothers about books and the significance of a monastic library;
- A chance to browse and borrow from our shelves;
- A Book Club evening to share your current / favourite reading;
- Daily Lectio Divina (Reading scripture the Benedictine way.)
Cost: £310 in a standard Retreat House room; £347 in an en-suite room