We look forward to welcoming our friends, supporters, visitors and guests on Festival Day.
Festival Day Timetable
10.00am Refreshments New Refectory
11.00am Welcome Talk by the Superior
12.00pm Midday Mass
1.30pm Lunch
2.30pm Forum
4.00pm Benediction
5.00pm Evensong
Refreshments available in the New Refectory 2pm – 4pm
The preacher at Mass will be Br Jacobus OSB – Prior of the Benedictine Community at the Huysburg.
Forum – Conversations with monks from St Matthias, Trier.
Residential Guests – We have a number of rooms available for residential stays.
Day Visitors – Are welcome, lunch will available for day guests but please note you must pre book lunch with the guest office.
Please feel free to bring your own picnic if you prefer not to book lunch, there are plenty of spots which are perfect for a picnic.
For enquires please use the booking form below or email our Guest Office.