Programme 11.00am Welcome Talk by the Superior 12.00pm Midday Mass 1.45pm Lunch 2.30pm Forum on Community Life 4.00pm Benediction 5.00pm Evensong During the afternoon, some of the younger brethren will hold a question & answer forum on Community life. We also have Father Tony Carroll, Tutor at the College of Resurrection, preaching. Refreshments available throughout […]
CR Welcomes Br Jude
Please join the Community in prayer for Mr Tom Clark,who will be received as a novice on Tuesday 5th July 2022, 6pm at the Solemn Evensong for the Feast of Dedication of the Church of Resurrection.He will be Br Jude NovCR.
Fr Alan Wilkinson
The Community were saddened by the news of Fr. Alan Wilkinson’s passing. Alan was a very distinguished church historian, author of Church of England and the First World War and of Dissent or Conform: War Peace and the English Churches 1900-1945. However, he was also a College of Resurrection alumnus, a CR Companion and spent […]
Mother’s Union Visit
It was our pleasure to host a quiet day for a group from the Mother’s Union of St John the Divine, Rastrick and friends at the beginning of May. Everyone enjoyed their time with us and the chance for some reflection in a peaceful environment. If you, your parish or group, are interested in joining […]
Wedding Open Day 2022
If you are planning on getting married or know someone who is, we are holding a Wedding Open Day on Saturday 23 July 2022. We would be delighted to welcome you to view our venue, and see what we have to offer. Further information will be available in due course, for enquires please email
Sponsored Bike Ride For Tariro UK
Fr George and Peter Sowden (CR Companion) have completed their sponsored charity bike ride. They completed the ride and clocked up around 102 miles according to Fr George’s milometer, although Peter did think it had undercounted! We will announce shortly how much has been raised from the bike ride. Thank you all for your generosity […]
CR Family Fun Day 2022
Join us for our annual Family Fun Day on Sunday 26 June, from 1pm. We have a variety of stalls, games, face painting, bouncy castle and a ice cream van. Visitors will have the opportunity to explore our grounds and take part in our scavenger hunt, or you may prefer to join us for a […]
CR Family Fun Day 2022
Sunday 26 June at 1pm Join us for a day of fun!We have a bouncy castle, hook a duck, play your cards right, face painting, plant stall and more…..
Summer Volunteers
We are looking for Summer volunteers to help tidy our libraries. Shelving and shelf tidying are the main aims during the Summer to ensure that all books are in the right place, ready for the academic term in Autumn. Tidying is paramount in terms of collection care to ensure books are stored correctly. If you […]
Sponsored Bike Ride For Tariro Uk
This sponsored bike ride will be from 28 April to 1 May 2022, travelling between Ford End near Chelmsford and Tunbridge Wells, aiming to raise money for the Tariro charity. (Tariro UK raises money to support orphans or young people whose parents can’t look after them any more. It funds between 45 and 50 such young […]