The College of the Resurrection and St Hild College are pleased to announce a new Residential, and Contextual, Training Pathway to be offered in partnership between the two colleges from September 2023. We are collaborating to offer our distinctive strengths in a single training package. Mirfield will contribute its residential setting, formational community, patterns of […]
Walsingham Pilgrimage 2023
We are delighted to announce that the CR Mirfield Pilgrimage will be taking place from the 18 to 22 September 2023! The cost is £311 per person, which is for 4 nights and is on a full board basis. A £30 deposit is required when booking. (Please note, we do not require the deposit at […]
News from Marc CR: January 25 2023
Hopefully this finds you all well. On Sunday 23 we had a pretty full Upper church as we hosted a service at the conclusion of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. It was led by Pastor Adrian Roberts from Mirfield’s Zion Baptist church, assisted by myself and the Revd Hugh Baker, the vicar of […]
News from CR, January 2023
Christmas began with Midnight Mass and blessing of the Crib, which was prepared by Jude nCR. The brothers appreciated three days of Retreat during Christmas week with the fire blazing merrily, and were enormously grateful to our friends who kept us supplied with chocolates during this period. Life together took a different turn on New […]
News from Marc CR: January 2023
A very happy New year to you all, and we trust that Christmas and New year festivities have gone well at your homes. We had a nice time here. On St Stephen’s day, there was a kind of ‘open mic’ organised by Br. Jude around the fireside. George CR played keyboard for us, John and […]
New Retreat for 2023
We are looking forward to hosting a new retreat in next year’s programme: Mindfulness as Mission Gift. Friday November 3rd to Sunday November 5th 2023 (4pm Friday to Lunchtime Sunday) The exciting theme of this late autumn weekend is how we make connections between the ‘secular’ practice of mindfulness, and the church’s call to mission. […]
“All guests who present themselves are to be received like Christ.” St Benedict. (RB 53:1) We like guests! Guests enrich our lives. Guests tell us about a world outside our monastery and that keeps us in touch. Guests are generally very nice people. Many come often and become good friends of ours. Guests also enrich […]
William Wheeldon
The Community were saddened by the news of William Wheeldon’s passing. William was formerly a brother of CR and Principal of the College of the Resurrection 1966-1975. May he rest in peace and rise in glory. With thanksgiving to God for his life. The brethren offer their condolences to his friends and family in their […]
Funeral of Fr Crispin CR
A packed church gathered on Tuesday (15 November) to celebrate the life and ministry of our dear brother Crispin. Fr Crispin passed away on Thursday 27 October at the age of 87 and in the 54th year of his profession. His funeral requiem was followed by burial in the Community cemetery. We were delighted that so many […]
CR Quarterly Magazine
The “CR Review” is a high quality periodical, published quarterly. If you are interested in finding out more about the review please see below to view and/or download the two most recent editions from 2022. To help keep this quality publication viable you can subscribe and receive your own hard copies through the post, please […]