John Rodwell is an Anglican worker-priest, the seeds of whose vocation were sown by living with the Community of the Resurrection as a student in Leeds. He has been priest and ecologist together for over 40 years exploring the fabric of the natural world and the gifts of Creation. In these reflections he turns his attention to our own lives and how God may be found to be at work there. In everyday situations, some poignant, some laughable, he assures us that our mundane human predicament is not the end of the story. His approach is incarnational, about listening to the heartbeat of human experience, assuring us that the stuff of our being, any person’s being, can bear the weight of the divine. The reflections run lightly through the Church’s year from Advent onwards through to Creationtide, scriptural references providing a biblical frame within which our own experiences can be set. He speaks with a conviction that, in all the vulnerable exposure of everyday life, we can find the tissue of God’s kingdom.